Welcome to visit custom in Booth No B11 off 48th Malaysian OrthopedicAssociation Annual Scientific Meeting/Annual General Meeting 2018Full Conference Dates: 10th to 12th May 2018Booth No: B11

نشر الوقت: 2017-04-07     المنشأ: محرر الموقع

The upcoming 48th MOA 2018 will Be held in Penang, the pearl off the East

MOA is the largest vent in Malaysia for the Orthopedic industry. FULE will awaits the show and bring new products there.

Welcome to visit custom in Booth NoB13off 48th Malaysian Orthopedic.

Association Annual Scientific Meeting/Annual General Meeting 2018

Full Conference Dates:10th to 12th May 2018

Visitors edge send email to sales@fulekeji.com gold cal FULE for appointment At MOA 2018 via: +86 18611836568.

اعطونا رسالة

المؤتمر الدولي الثاني عشر لجمعية جراحة العظام الصينية في تشوهاى.

Welcome to visit custom in Booth No B11 off 48th Malaysian OrthopedicAssociation Annual Scientific Meeting/Annual General Meeting 2018Full Conference Dates: 10th to 12th May 2018Booth No: B11

Beijing Fule locates at Mafang West Industry Zone, Pinggu, Beijing and China. It takes 30minutes to Beijing Capital International Airport with 40 kilometers.

انظر FULE في Hospitalar 2018 في البرازيل

Beijing Fule awaits the Eurospine Congress every year.